Tuesday, February 5, 2013

From the Ancient Pages of InQuest - X-Files CCG Articles and Ads

Hello, fellow X-Files CCG fans. I have a treat for you. There are some who might remember these images from the days when the game was new and the hype surrounding it was huge. For the rest of you, well, here's a sort of introduction to the history of this game.

Firstly, I'll offer some background on the publication from which I nabbed these articles, ads, and random images. InQuest was a gaming magazine from the 90s in which various games were reviewed and written about in excessive detail (especially the old standby, Magic the Gathering). It mostly covered CCGs which pretty much ruled gaming in that much-missed decade of faded jeans, grunge, The X-Files, paranoia, conspiracies, and quality Nickelodeon programming. To be honest, the issue from whence came these items (the May 1997 issue) is the first issue of InQuest I've ever owned. I bought a few issues of Scrye back in those days but was never able to purchase InQuest. I was fairly poor for a gamer, what with being a child and all, but I digress.

Here, now, are the images and articles as I promised:

Here's the magazine's review of the game. 

Here's some news on the first expansion and a reference to the never-released "Scully Set."

More review material on the game and even a bit of a Battletech CCG image (another great game)

The magazine's price guide entry for The X-Files CCG (as of May 1997)

A full-page ad for the game with Ultra-Rare "Dana Scully, Abducted"

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The X-Files CCG Workshop - Another Great Source

Firstly, readers, I apologize for being away from the blog for so long and for not posting updates as I promised. I've had inconsistent access to the internet over the last several months since my hard drive crashed. Again, I apologize.

I'm back for the moment to tell you about a new source for X-Files CCG information online. A friend of mine, and X-Files CCG protégé, has recently created The X-Files CCG Workshop. Through his blog he explores the mysteries of the leaked "22364" card images, introduces variant rules, and makes bold claims about his supposed X-Files CCG skill. Give it a browse when you can and make sure to follow his posts going forward for great updates on an amazing game.

The "other guy."
Going forward I shall make an effort to keep up on postings and maintenance on this and my other X-Files CCG blog on WordPress. For the time being you will probably have access to more regular updates through the Workshop blog mentioned above, but keep checking back here and through X-Files CCG Resource to see what I come up with.

Thanks for reading. Now go play some X-Files CCG!